- Vision checking:
- Refraction (checking to see whether vision can be improved with spectacles )
- Dilated fundus examination (examining the back of your eye to look for diabetic retinopathy changes
- Intraocular pressure check
Dilating the pupil to examine the back of your eye for diabetic retinopathy. Why ??

Through a small pupil the examiner can only get a glimpse of a limited field(yellow circles ). The important features of diabetic retinopathy ,hemorrhages (blue arrow ) and new vessels (green arrow) may be missed.
So, agree to have dilated eye examination!!
But dilatation causes blurring of vision. You may find it difficult to find your way home especially if you are driving.
Be prepared to take a relative with you who can bring you back home carefully.
In some centres eye screening for diabetic retinopathy is done with “non mydriatic” fundus camera. With this method your fundus can be photographed without dilating the pupils. This system is not widely used in Sri Lanka yet.